NACD creates dialogue on critical governance matters.
NACD Directorship 100
NACD uses the power of its connections, data-driven thought leadership and independent voice to help corporate directors navigate the challenges of today's governance landscape. Our stakeholder engagement initiatives drives innovation, fosters diversity and forges deeper relationships.
The next generation of corporate directors will need to be more adaptable, strategic, and visionary than ever. Today’s pace of change demands it, and obligations to generate long-term value creation necessitate it. Board leadership is a profession, requiring distinct skills and experiences that are in high demand. Boards are now deeply engaged in managing complex risks, shaping strategy, and driving innovation. Peter Gleason, NACD CEO, shares his perspective on the skills young professionals should be building today to gain the knowledge and expertise in technology, risk management, and strategy needed for future board service.
In his welcome address to NACD Directors Summit 2024 attendees, Peter Gleason, NACD President and CEO, said that directors can help strengthen companies, enhance economies and capital markets, and ultimately instill greater hope in a rapidly changing global landscape. “Concerning the ‘how,’ it’s a simple blueprint: keep the companies you serve anchored to the vision, mission, and values upon which they were established. As far as I’m concerned, this is the key to success, especially while navigating turbulent times.”
2024 Blue Ribbon Commission co-chairs, Nora Denzel, NACD.DC™ and David Kenney discuss the intersection of technology and trust in the Edelman Trust Report newsletter. "As cochairs of the National Association of Corporate Directors’ 2024 Blue Ribbon Commission on Board Oversight of Technology, we and 22 other board leaders are developing governance best practices and resources to help shape boards’ oversight of the value-creating potential—and risks—of technology. Our report will inform investors and policymakers about the steps boards are taking to earn the trust of their customers and communities."
Peter Gleason joined the Mayer Brown's Digital Trust Summit to discuss shaping digital culture and defining genuine data leadership. NACD’s research confirms that directors are prioritizing emerging technologies such as AI as a top priority. NACD is committed to helping directors lead, navigate uncertainty and achieve long-term value for their company's stakeholders through an understanding of strategic digital innovation.