Steven Murray
With a career spanning diverse industries, from chemicals and refining to trading and risk management across global markets, Steven J. Murray has been a dynamic force driving change and revitalization. His journey has taken him from integrated majors to private equity-backed firms and innovative startups, showcasing his adaptability and leadership in varied environments.
A significant chapter of Steven’s career has been dedicated to the realm of retail energy, both in regulated and deregulated markets. Notably, he played a pivotal role in steering the ship at Direct Energy Residential, the then-largest deregulated energy player in North America. Over the past 15 years, Steven has achieved a remarkable feat - successfully executing seven turnarounds across sectors, including retail energy, steel, chemicals, upstream, and recycling.
At the core of his management philosophy is the commitment to swift and effective change. Steven has demonstrated a remarkable ability to attract and retain high-quality, diverse talent, fostering tightly knit, collaborative teams. His leadership has left a lasting impact, with many individuals choosing to work with him multiple times.
Currently, Steven is at the forefront of innovation, shepherding a startup in the energy sector. This venture is focused on developing an industry-changing software and analytical platform, poised to revolutionize energy usage forecasting accuracy and enable granular customer segmentation. His roles as a non-executive director (NED) extend to guiding a public company through emerging from bankruptcy and contributing to the growth of a fast-paced credit union. He currently serves on the NACD Texas TriCities Chapter board.
In every aspect of his career, Steven J. Murray exemplifies a commitment to excellence, strategic vision, and a passion for driving positive change. His ability to navigate complex landscapes and deliver tangible results underscores his status as a transformative leader in the energy industry and beyond.