Gena Canning

Partner, Pine State Trading Co.

During her career, Geraldine Canning held multiple executive roles within Pine State Trading Co. She led the organization in functions such as Corporate Affairs, Management Analysis, Customer Service, State, Local, and National Compliance and spearheaded Corporate Training and Development throughout the organization. Gena has been recognized by the media, community, and state government for depth of knowledge, integrity, and credibility particularly with highly-regulated products. Gena currently serves on the Pine State Trading Co. Board of Directors, is Chair of the Bangor Savings Bank Board of Directors, is Vice Chair of the Boys and Girls Clubs of Kennebec Valley Board of Directors, serves on The Mitchell Institute Board of Directors as well as the Lee Auto Malls Advisory Board of Directors. She is the former Chairwoman of the Maine Chapter of New England Wholesale Association, as well as a former Board of Directors Member of the Maine Health Management Coalition. Gena holds a BA in Communications from the American University in Washington DC and is a graduate of The Kellogg Family Business Institute (2018). She was honored with the designation of “Women of Distinction” by the Girl Scouts of Maine and was listed as one of the “Women to Watch” by MaineBiz magazine.