Gary Haroian
Independent Board Director
For the past 20 years, Gary has served on fifteen (15) publicly held and privately held venture backed or private equity backed companies as a Director, Financial Expert and Audit Committee Chairman. In addition to acting as Chair of Audit Committees in all but one assignment, Gary served as Chairman of the Board of Directors of Brightcove, Inc. from 2016-2019. He has also served as a member of several other board committees (Compensation, N&G, M&A, Special, etc). Gary has been involved in 10 successful M&A Sale transactions, several M&A Purchase transactions and three IPO's including his time as an executive. Gary is currently a Director and Audit Committee Chair on Brightcove, Inc.’s (BCOV) Board of Directors. Brightcove is publicly traded and a leading on line video platform (OLVP) for large Corporate Enterprises and Media companies. Gary also serves as a member of Brightcove’s Compensation Committee.