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2025 Robert A. Ingram Fellowship for Excellence in Board Governance
The Fellowship
The Robert A. Ingram Fellowship for Excellence in Board Governance will be open to NACD members and nonmembers seeking NACD Directorship Certification®. As the leading director credential in the United States, the NACD Directorship Certification program provides rigorous governance content, comprehensive preparation, and a credentialing exam.
Those selected as Ingram Fellow can pursue the NACD.DC designation through either the NACD Directorship Certification program (open to current NACD members who are directors of a private, public, and/or nonprofit organization) or NACD Accelerate, a boardroom readiness program for high-performing executives. The NACD Accelerate program, designed for nonmembers of NACD, includes membership and the opportunity to earn NACD Directorship Certification.
The Ingram Fellowship will offer two items for each winner:
Enrollment in NACD Accelerate Program; fellowship will cover 50% of the total investment of $6500. NACD Accelerate Program is a fast-track program to become board-ready and includes two years of NACD membership and the opportunity to earn the NACD Directorship Certification.
Registration at 2 NACD-RTC events in the coming year; fellow must attend at least one “Leading from the Boardroom” program
Application Process
NACD members and non-members are eligible to apply. Self-nomination and nomination by a third party are both acceptable. Candidates for the Ingram Fellowship will meet the following criteria:
Self-nomination or nomination by a third party are both acceptable
Candidate should be high potential for public or private company board service
Currently serving in a senior leadership position at a company headquartered in the Research Triangle Chapter region (Eastern North Carolina)
Currently serving on a not-for-profit board of directors
Total not-for-profit board experience of more than 2 years
Has attended at least 1 NACD-RTC chapter event in the last year.
Must provide the names/contact information for 3 people to support the nomination: (1) someone at the company where the individual works; (2) Two current members/sponsors of NACD
Short answers to the following questions:
Why are you interested in becoming an Ingram Fellow?
What resonates with you about Bob Ingram’s vision and legacy
Why do you think you will be a good candidate for a corporate board role?
Provide a resume
The Application
Access the online application by clicking here.
About Robert A. Ingram
Robert A. Ingram, “Bob,” passed away on March 24, 2023, at age 80. He served for more than a dozen years on the board of governors of RTI, a 65-year-old nonprofit research institute headquartered in North Carolina. Throughout his tenure, from November 2010 to December 2022, Bob served on the Compensation and Strategic Talent Committee. He served as chair of the committee from 2019 until his retirement from the board.