Webinar Archive

- eLearning Overview
- Art of Directorship: Adaptive Governance
- Art of Directorship: CEO Succession
- Art of Directorship: Strategy & Value Creation
- CERT Certificate in Cyber-Risk Oversight Program
- Directorship Essentials: Compliance & Ethics
- Directorship Essentials: Risk Oversight
- Director Proficiency: Financial Oversight
- Governing Into the Future
- Introduction to Directorship
- Introduction to ESG Oversight
- Virtual Director Professionalism®
- Webinars Archive
Webinars & Virtual Events
Innovation, Technology, and ESG: Effective Board Oversight
Over the past two years, companies have experienced a period of rapid technological innovation and digital transformation. With environmental, social, and governance issues increasingly top-of-mind for directors, management teams, and stakeholders alike, boards must consider how these changes have impacte the way they think about and oversee ESG strategy. Join NACD and Broadridge for this webinar in which a panel of experts will discuss the impact of this period of rapid innovation and transformation on how directors and boards should be thinking about ESG governance.
Additional Resources
Strategic Oversight of ESG: A Board Primer (NACD)
Framing the Board's Story on ESG Disclosure (NACD Directorship Magazine)
Your roadmap toward ESG performance (Broadridge)
ESG Webinar: How to Engage Shareholders Through Technology (Broadridge)

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