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PCGLS: Empowering Private Company Boards: AI and Workforce
While AI is a technology, how we address it is profoundly human. This is one of the reasons boards play such a critical role in AI governance oversight. As AI continues to transform industries, it is changing how employees carry out their work, has the potential to redefine productivity and is altering the strategy and risk profiles of businesses. This discussion will delve into AI’s impact on employee retention, training to equip employees for the future, and strategies to protect corporate culture as dynamics shift. Directors will gain insights and best practices on providing governance oversight as AI is adopted into their organizations and key questions to ask management.
We are excited to share a follow-up article from our moderator, Joe Ranzau, Managing Director, Grant Thornton Advisors LLC that delves deeper into the topics discussed during the webinar. This article explores six questions for boards regarding the importance of AI and human capital, and discusses:
Critical role of boards in encouraging proactive AI adoption
Importance of maintaining clear guidelines on AI usage and training
Need for transparent communications about AI’s impact on jobs
Importance of monitoring organizational culture to address issues like burnout and anxiety
We believe this article will provide you with valuable perspectives on how you can effectively integrate AI into your operations while mitigating potential risks.