Events & Education | Directorship Essentials
Compliance and Ethics
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Complimentary for Corporate Members
$199 Individual Members | $495 Nonmembers

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- Art of Directorship: CEO Succession
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- Directorship Essentials: Compliance & Ethics
- Directorship Essentials: Risk Oversight
- Director Proficiency: Financial Oversight
- Governing Into the Future
- Introduction to Directorship
- Introduction to ESG Oversight
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An organization's commitment to compliance and ethics implicates, and is demonstrated by, almost everything a board of directors does. Oversight of the organization's compliance and ethics program is a core duty of directors. This Directorship Essentials course is for new directors and others who want a comprehensive understanding of those responsibilities.
This course provides directors with an overview of both the essential components of a compliance and ethics program and the board's role in that program's success.
Directorship Essentials
Compliance and Ethics
Complimentary for Corporate Members
$199 Individual Members | $495 Nonmembers
Course Format
The course is divided into seven sections, each of which represents a key area of focus for directors as they oversee their organization's compliance and ethics efforts:
The Program —An introduction to compliance and ethics programs, including the legal roots of your and your organization's related duties.
Sentencing Guidelines —The central role of the Federal Sentencing Guidelines in shaping compliance and ethics programs at all organizations.
Standards & Tools —This overview of the essential elements of compliance and ethics programs delves into the board's roles regarding the code of conduct and the organization's confidential "hotline."
Leading Practices —Having established the framework, in this section, the course gets tactical and focuses on specific actions that boards can and must take to oversee an effective program.
Risk & Effectiveness —Why does an effective program matter? This section explores the role of compliance and ethics in mitigating key risks, including reputational risks, the risks posed by the organization's reliance on third parties, and the risk of board misconduct.
Culture —This section looks more closely at the importance of an ethical culture, both as a tool for driving compliance and ethics and as a result of those efforts. Among other issues, it explores how executive incentives and encouraging "speaking up" are powerful tools by which boards directly affect their organization's "tone at the top."
Directory's Duty —Ultimately, each director impacts their organization's success in compliance and ethics.
Every section of the course includes commentary from NACD's faculty of leading directors and experts, who share their deep experience about the director's role in compliance and ethics. You'll also take a journey in the shoes of a new director, confronting the challenges of compliance and ethics oversight – and leadership – during her first year on a board.
The course also includes links to many additional tools and resources you may find useful and opportunities to benchmark or reflect on your own organization's compliance and ethics efforts.
This course will focus on a director's role in compliance and ethics within a for-profit corporation, but most of the principles and strategies discussed also apply to nonprofits and other forms of enterprise.
Let the thought leaders of NACD help you explore your personal role as a director in your company's efforts to do things right, do the right thing, and lead and succeed ethically.
Learning Objectives
By the end of this course, you should be able to:
Identify examples of a director's appropriate role in an organization's compliance and ethics program.
Distinguish between poor and leading practices for effective oversight of an organization's compliance and ethics program.
Identify the typical elements of an effective corporate compliance and ethics program.
Recall laws and regulations that serve as frameworks for compliance and ethics programs, regardless of industry.
Identify acts that are considered misconduct by board members and executives.
Identify risks that emerge for organizations when their compliance and ethics program falters.
At the end of the course, you will be directed to take a short exam based on these learning objectives. You must pass that exam to earn credit from NACD for completing the course.
It will take you about two to three hours to complete the course, although you do not need to finish it in a single sitting. Rather, when you return, the course will resume where you last left off.
Please read our virtual learning FAQs.
This program will award 3 NACD credits toward NACD Directorship Certification®/Board Leadership Fellowship.
Payment & Cancellation Policy
NACD accepts Visa, Mastercard®, and American Express®. Checks, payable to NACD, must be received before the User can begin the course. NACD will refund the fees paid by User for the course(s) only if (1) there is a material defect or technical problem causing a prolonged delay in completion of the course(s) and (2) NACD is unable to rectify such material defect or technical problem within ten (10) business days after receipt of such notification. Notifications and written refund requests should be submitted by electronic mail to Registration@NACDonline.org.