Events & Education | The Art of Directorship Series
Strategy and Long-Term Value Creation
Your Schedule | Online
Complimentary for Corporate Members
$199 Individual Members | $495 Nonmembers

- eLearning Overview
- Art of Directorship: Adaptive Governance
- Art of Directorship: CEO Succession
- Art of Directorship: Strategy & Value Creation
- CERT Certificate in Cyber-Risk Oversight Program
- Directorship Essentials: Compliance & Ethics
- Directorship Essentials: Risk Oversight
- Director Proficiency: Financial Oversight
- Governing Into the Future
- Introduction to Directorship
- Introduction to ESG Oversight
- Virtual Director Professionalism®
- Webinars Archive
Webinars & Virtual Events
This highly engaging and interactive e-learning series is designed to explore the intricacies of board leadership and to help directors navigate the complexities of today's boardroom.
Each course within this series will explore one critical governance topic through panel discussions and interviews with experienced directors, investors, and executives, as well as provide opportunities to benchmark your own practices against NACD governance survey findings and recommendations from NACD's Blue Ribbon Commissions and other thought leadership. Course content is accompanied by a wealth of practical tools and resources to bring back to your own boardroom.
The Art of Directorship
Strategy and Long-Term Value Creation
Complimentary for Corporate Members
$199 Individual Members | $495 Nonmembers
Course Format
Each section concentrates on one of eight effective practices and includes a panel discussion, additional perspectives from experienced directors, a survey with immediate answers that compare your answers to the answers from recent NACD surveys, and actionable items and takeaways. The following resources are included as part of this course:
A multipart panel discussion that explores eight leading strategy oversight practices for boards in the context of one company's strategic transformation initiative.
Dozens of insights from other experienced directors and executives.
Key data to benchmark your and your board's work.
Practical resources selected by NACD to supplement the course and help you to take the insights back to your own boardroom.
This course takes approximately 3 hours to complete. Upon completion of the course, you must pass a 12-question assessment to obtain credits.
Learning Objectives
After completing this course, you should be able to meet these objectives:
Identify the guidelines for boards on how frequently strategy should be discussed among company leaders and the board.
Identify the guidelines for directors on how frequently strategy should be discussed among company leaders and the board.
Select examples of metrics and other information that directors should consider in order to facilitate the effective oversight of strategy by their board.
Choose how to apply leading practices, which contribute to an organization's long-term value, in the selection of board members and the CEO.
Distinguish between situations in which a board is and is not effectively overseeing its organization's strategy or stewarding the creation of long-term value.
Choose effective questions to ask as a director, in order to provide well-grounded input on strategy.
Distinguish between board practices that facilitate and hinder the alignment of an organization's short-term and long-term strategies.
Please read our virtual learning FAQs.
This program will award 3 NACD credits toward NACD Directorship Certification®/Board Leadership Fellowship.
Payment & Cancellation Policy
NACD accepts Visa, Mastercard®, and American Express®. Checks, payable to NACD, must be received before the User can begin the course. NACD will refund the fees paid by User for the course(s) only if (1) there is a material defect or technical problem causing a prolonged delay in completion of the course(s) and (2) NACD is unable to rectify such material defect or technical problem within ten (10) business days after receipt of such notification. Notifications and written refund requests should be submitted by electronic mail to Registration@NACDonline.org.