Connie Engel
Chair Emeritus
Connie Engel is an accomplished executive whose career spans three decades in which she has successfully led marketing and operations for IBM and leasing, marketing, and management for Childress Klein, a commercial real estate development firm in the southeast United States. As a partner in the Atlanta Office Division of Childress Klein, she has been in charge of office development and leasing at the prestigious Atlanta Galleria for over 30 years.
Engel became a director of BrandBank/Brand Group Holdings in 2016. She is Audit Committee chair and also Business Development Committee chair. In 2011, she was appointed by Georgia Governor Nathan Deal to the Georgia Board of Dentistry consumer representative. In 1998, she was elected as a board member to the Cumberland Community Improvement District, which is responsible for allocating a special property tax collected from commercial property owners for transportation improvements and other improvements in the district in Cobb County.
Engel has been a trustee at the Kennesaw State University Foundation since 2006. She was Real Estate Committee chair and served as chairman of the Foundation from 2012 to 2014.
She has an undergraduate degree from the University of Iowa in Communications and Public Address and earned a master’s in Business Administration from Kennesaw State University. She is a multi-engine rated pilot and loves her family and playing golf.