Becky Blalock
Becky Blalock is a public company board member with extensive experience in: utilities, information technology, cyber security, venture capital, manufacturing and digital transformation. Her committee service includes: risk and finance, audit and compensation. She is the Managing Partner at Advisory Capital, a strategic consulting firm providing insight and expertise to global companies in the energy and IT industries. As former Senior Vice President and Chief Information Officer for Southern Company, Blalock spent nearly a decade directing IT strategy and operations for the 3rd largest utility company in the world. Under her leadership, Southern Company was recognized as one of the 100 Most Innovative Companies by CIO magazine and one of the 100 Best Places to Work in IT by Computerworld magazine. In addition to her work in information technology, Blalock spent over two decades serving Southern Company in leadership positions including accounting, corporate communications, customer service, economic development, external affairs, finance and marketing. A sought-Aafter speaker, Blalock is recognized as a thought leader in the energy, utility and IT sectors and at women’s leadership events. Computerworld magazine identified her as a Premier IT Leader and she was named CIO of the Year by Energy Biz magazine. She has also been honored by the Georgia CIO Leadership Association and CFY as their Global CIO of the year. Blalock has testified before the DOE and FCC on behalf of the utility industry regarding matters related to information technology, cyber security and telecommunications. Blalock successfully completed the Program for Management Development at Harvard University. She holds a master’s degree with honors in finance from Mercer University and an undergraduate degree in business administration from the University of West Georgia. She also has earned Cyber Security Certificates from Georgia Tech and NACD.