Governance Surveys
Center for Inclusive Governance

Director Handbooks
Digital Transformation: How to Unlock Innovation and Growth with Emerging Technologies—A GNDI Quick Guide
If you are reading this, you are likely to have come to the notion that digital transformation is needed to push your organization to the next level. A board’s role is to set strategy and monitor organizational performance, devising processes and policies to achieve objectives and to provide accountability to stakeholders. In digital transformation the same rings true. As a board member, you realize your key role in guiding your organization toward successful transformation, to not only remain relevant but also thrive in the digital era.
Twenty years have gone by since we said goodbye to the Twentieth Century. Emerging technologies changed and kept changing consumer habits and expectations, setting and re-setting the standard of what “good” looks like. Innovations have disrupted traditional industries and traditional firms. Digitalization is a big part of this innovation wave. Business transformation is required to stay relevant in this digital world and to ensure sustainability.
In the words of a Chartered Director from the UK, writing for the UK Institute of Directors before the pandemic, the need for business transformation of any type is prompted by and should be a direct response to a change or likely change in the conditions and environment in which the organization operates.
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