Director FAQ
Anti-Takeover Defenses
Learn the director’s fiduciary role in hostile takeovers and how the board can build a company’s takeover defenses.
Governance Surveys
Center for Inclusive Governance
Director Essentials
As shareholder activists find new causes and employ new means to influence the American boardroom, directors are called upon to prepare for and respond to possible activist challenges year-round. In order to equip directors with the knowledge and tools they need to address such challenges, this updated installment of the Director Essentials series includes information on the following aspects of shareholder activism:
How Boards Can Use This Resource
1. Understanding Shareholder Activists
Investors and Shareholder Activists
While most equity trading today is automated or passive— based on algorithms or indexes—public company shareholders continue to be active as instigators of change in the companies they own, and, in some cases, more broadly. The methods used to effect this change may range from the “light activism” of a shareholder resolution on a specific governance issue to the “heavy activism” of proxy voting campaigns or tender offers meant to alter board composition. In the first half of 2018 alone 145 such campaigns launched against 136 companies—the highest number of targeted companies ever.
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