Boardroom Tools

Board Oversight of Gender Pay Equity

By NACD Staff


Equity Boardroom Tool Compensation

In brief: Corporate leaders increasingly recognize the importance of gender pay equity to business competitiveness, as they are confronted with the reality that failing to reward employees equitably may lead to the loss of the best and brightest talent. For directors and executives alike, the stakes are high—especially given that pay equity is often viewed as a signal of a company’s commitment to diversity and inclusion. This tool offers guidance for boards and management to better understand this issue and reduce potential risks presented by unequal compensation.

This resource can help your board to

  • initiate boardroom discussions around oversight of gender pay equity issues,

  • monitor management’s progress on pay equity initiatives, and

  • communicate to a broad set of stakeholders their company’s commitment to gender pay equity.

Most relevant audiences: public company directors, board chairs, lead directors, compensation committee chairs, compensation committee members

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