Governance Resources
New US Administration: Key Business and Board Implications
A collection of NACD content, research, and events to prepare your board for the 2024 US presidential election and beyond.
From DirectorshipTM
Articles and briefs to help boards navigate the implications of the 2024 US presidential election on business.
In-Depth Research
A curated collection of research, guidance, and insights on fostering effective board leadership in today's dynamic political environment.
Boardroom Diplomacy: Mastering the Art of Difficult Conversations
Steps to foster open dialogue while making tough decisions in a complex and polarized landscape.
CEO Activism: Whatʼs the Boardʼs Role?
Questions the board and management can ask to decide when a CEO should speak out on political and social issues.
BoardVision™ Podcast: Facilitating Conversations on Sensitive Issues
Bruce Haynes, who works in crisis communications and reputation management, and board member Anne Alonzo chat with NACD advisor Susan Paley about strategies for boards to prevent controversial issues from escalating into crises and how they can facilitate effective conversations on difficult topics, especially in the context of the upcoming US election.
As Election Day Approaches, Board Priorities Shift
Discover the issues top of mind for directors in the NACD Quarterly Survey: Q3 2024, including the economy and the United States presidential election.