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Since the beginning of 2024, boards have continued to help manage change, especially as it relates to technologies and digital transformation.
Directorship® Magazine
The Magazine for Boardrooms, Delivering Insights & Leadership Excellence
Governance Surveys
Center for Inclusive Governance
Preeti Vasishtha
Advertising Inquiries
Greg Griffith
Meet the 2024 NACD Directorship 100TM honorees and learn about their roles in shaping the success of the companies they serve. Plus, discover the key considerations for changing auditors.
Directorship® magazine is a digital quarterly publication featuring original articles, news, and expert commentary from our editorial staff and guest contributors on leadership, business governance, technology, and more. This online library is created and curated for board members and corporate leaders seeking resources to navigate today’s boardroom challenges.
Online Articles from Directorship®
The most up-to-date and noteworthy articles including our former BoardTalk blog.
In this issue: We explore what boards need to know about the impact of the 2024 US election on global trade, regulatory changes, and more.
In this issue: We show how with the right skills, knowledge, and intervention, boards can avoid strategy surprises and contribute decisively to business growth and value creation.
In this issue: We explore the future of climate and social issue governance as regulatory requirements and ESG backlash buffet businesses.
In this issue: We honor our Directorship 100 award winners and governance professionals along with special winners.
From the archives of Directorship magazine, member can access full issues through 2021.
The 2021 NACD Directorship 100
Digital Agility
Time Runs Out on Climate Challenge
Pre-IPO Boards Under Construction
Balancing Human Captial Priorities
The Yin and Yang, Profit and Purpose