Director's Dilemma
In a Family Business, Should an Independent Director Get a Vote?
By Julie Garland McLellan
A family business debates adding an independent director to its board and wonders how much control the director should have.
Governance Surveys
Center for Inclusive Governance
Photo Credit: iStockphoto / pishit and designer29
Anyone who studies business knows there have been significant new demands for certain CEO and board leadership skills, especially since the COVID-19 pandemic. This is not because there are more crises. Economic, social, geopolitical, and public health crises have occurred steadily over the past decade. What is different today is the pace and interconnectedness of these challenges. The Internet and emerging technologies have accelerated business growth and created a greater need for transparency. Technology has set the stage for more complex decision-making and responses to opportunities and challenges...
Colleen B. Brown serves on the boards of Big 5 Sporting Goods, Port Blakely, and TrueBlue. Brown previously was the chair and interim CEO of Spark Networks and the CEO of Fisher Communications.
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