Director's Dilemma
In a Family Business, Should an Independent Director Get a Vote?
By Julie Garland McLellan
A family business debates adding an independent director to its board and wonders how much control the director should have.
Governance Surveys
Center for Inclusive Governance
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Directors are constantly looking for ways to expand their minds both inside and outside of the boardroom—at work, on a plane, or on a beach, soaking up the summer sun. As you undertake your seasonal plans, don’t leave books at home. No matter where you’ll be this summer...
Howard Brod Brownstein, NACD.DC, is president of The Brownstein Corp. and serves as an independent board member for public and private companies and large nonprofits. He is NACD Directorship Certified and an NACD Board Leadership Fellow. He has been a speaker at NACD national programs and served as president and chair of the NACD Philadelphia Chapter.
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