Cover Story

Setting a Strategic Course

By Yves L. Doz and Keeley Wilson


Directorship Magazine Strategy Strategy Development

With the right skills, knowledge, and intervention, boards can avoid strategy surprises and contribute decisively to business growth and value creation.

When corporations reach a crisis point, their boards are often criticized severely for not having been more active, for signing off on poor strategy, and for being unaware that the company was flailing...

This article is based on principles discussed in Doz and Wilson’s recent book, Escaping the Growth Curse: The Path to Stronger Corporate Strategy. They also are the coauthors of Ringtone: Exploring the Rise and Fall of Nokia in Mobile Phones.

Photo Credit: / Andrii Yalanskyi


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Yves L. Doz
Yves L. Doz is emeritus professor of strategic management at the graduate business school INSEAD, whose faculty he joined in 1980.

Keeley Wilson
Keeley Wilson is a researcher and advisor who has worked with firms across the globe.


This article is from the Summer 2024 issue of Directorship.