Setting a Strategic Course
By Yves L. Doz and Keeley Wilson
What to know to avoid strategy surprises and contribute to value creation.
Governance Surveys
Center for Inclusive Governance
The Director's Chair
As a former Fortune 500 chief financial officer (CFO) and current public company director and audit committee chair, I have seen CFO relationships with the board and the audit committee from both sides. While the demands on boards and committees continue to increase and evolve, it is no surprise that the same is true for CFOs: the best practices are still the best practices, but simply on a larger scale and in complex environments that have accelerated speeds of change...
Ellen B. Richstone, NACD.DC, is a former private company CEO and Fortune 500 CFO. She has been a director since 2003, sitting on boards of companies ranging in size from newly public to Fortune 500.
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