
Company Rules of Engagement to Enter—or Not Enter—a Political Battlefield

By Richard Torrenzano


Directorship Magazine

What are the board’s fiduciary responsibilities? What do directors need to know—and what should they be asking? 

CEOs have been speaking out increasingly on an array of political issues, and it is becoming problematic for companies and boards with noisy internal or external groups pushing business leaders to speak out on controversial matters...

Richard Torrenzano

Richard Torrenzano is chief executive of The Torrenzano Group. For nearly a decade, he was a member of the New York Stock Exchange management (policy) and executive (operations) committees. He is the author of the new book, Command the Conversation: Next Level Communications Techniques, and coauthor of the bestselling book, Digital Assassination. He is a sought-after expert and leading commentator on artificial intelligence, cyberattacks and digital attacks, financial markets, brands, crisis, media, and reputation.

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