Change Brings Opportunity in the IPO Market
By Mandy Wright
How to ready for an IPO amid a market decline.
Governance Surveys
Center for Inclusive Governance
The call for board diversity is growing louder. In 2020, social unrest magnified the need for equity, inclusion, and social justice. Nasdaq as well as the states of Washington and California responded by pushing these conversations to the forefront and pursuing board diversity mandates. Amid this societal shift, numerous studies have revealed the benefits of having diverse directors in the boardroom. To demystify how corporations can and should use diversity for better governance, let’s delve into the four pillars of board diversity: gender, age, geography, and race...
Barbara Butts Williams is an experienced board director and the executive dean, social responsibility and community engagement at Capella University.
Jim Zuehlke is the cofounder and president of Cardinal Board Services.
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