Change Brings Opportunity in the IPO Market
By Mandy Wright
How to ready for an IPO amid a market decline.
Governance Surveys
Center for Inclusive Governance
The NACD Directorship Certification® program reached a milestone of 1,000 certified directors this summer. To commemorate the occasion, NACD leaders and certified directors rang the Nasdaq Stock Market closing bell on Aug. 25, 2022.
“Ringing the closing bell at Nasdaq is the perfect way to celebrate the strides NACD has taken to continue to educate and prepare corporate directors,” said NACD President and CEO Peter Gleason, who was joined at the event by Sue Cole, NACD board chair; Graeme Roustan, NACD Corporate Directors Institute board member; and the NACD senior leadership team, as well as nearly 60 certified directors...
1. Peter Gleason, NACD president and CEO, and Sue Cole, chair of the NACD board of directors, celebrate ringing the Nasdaq closing bell with NACD members. Photo Credit: Nasdaq.
Natalie Heavren is a freelance writer and the former assistant editor of Directorship.
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