Change Brings Opportunity in the IPO Market
By Mandy Wright
How to ready for an IPO amid a market decline.
Governance Surveys
Center for Inclusive Governance
Director Onboarding
It is no secret that in the past many corporate boards did a less-than-sufficient job of onboarding directors. In the days when new board members were often known to one or more of the existing directors, the lack of a well-designed onboarding process did not significantly impact the overall contribution of that individual. Informal networks would often fill the gap …
Major, Lindsey & Africa is a NACD partner, providing directors with critical and timely information, and perspectives. Major, Lindsey & Africa is a financial supporter of the NACD.
Melba Hughes is a partner, executive director, and National In-House Diversity Practice lead for Major, Lindsey & Africa.
Keith Meyer is the global practice leader of the CEO & Board Practice at Allegis Partners.
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