Boardroom Guide
Private Company Exit Readiness: Facilitating Preparedness and Growth
By Andrée Bourgon, Eric Gonzaga, Priya Sarjoo, Robert Schwartz, and Candice Turner
Governance Surveys
Center for Inclusive Governance
Photo Credit: Getty Images
While data and analytics (D&A) is one of the hottest disciplines in corporate America today, most investments in D&A fail, many on a massive scale. In fact, only 29 percent of respondents to the 2022 Gartner Chief Data Officer Survey report that they are successfully meeting their return-on-investment objectives from data and analytics investments...
Allen T. Levenson, NACD.DC, has more than 30 years of work as well as both corporate and nonprofit board experience. Levenson is currently a director in General Motors’ Chief Data and Analytics Office and a proud member of GM’s LGBTQ+ Executive Advisory Board.
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