Powering DE&I amid Uncertainty
By Rohini Anand
As DE&I initiatives face challenges, boards must reinforce their support and expertise to help companies embed DE&I into their core systems.
Governance Surveys
Center for Inclusive Governance
Photo Credit: istock.com/Alexsecret
The decision requires the board to consider carefully several key factors to minimize disruption, maintain independence, and enhance the overall audit quality.
Audit firms play a critical role in ensuring the transparency and accountability of a company’s financial statements and reporting processes. In fact, the role of an auditor is so critical that annual proxy statements detail the board’s appointment of an auditor for the coming fiscal year and ask investors to ratify that appointment. When an auditor no longer services a company, the company must file an Item 4.01 Form 8-K, a specific reporting requirement under US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) regulations that requires a publicly traded company to disclose certain changes in its certifying accountant...
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