In Practice

How One Ukrainian Bank Transformed Itself despite Multiple Crises

By Dimitri Chichlo


Directorship Magazine Business Transformation Crisis Management

Ukreximbank is the third largest bank in Ukraine and had as many as 3,500 employees and 60 branches in 2019. It is also an institution that had not been de facto supervised since its foundation in 1992. The bank had a reputation for delivering as few credits as possible through a manual, opaque process that led to increased corruption...

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Dimitri Chichlo HeadshotDimitri Chichlo runs a consultancy practice in strategic cybersecurity, digital transformation, and corporate governance, AndSecure, and is the chief security officer of BforeAI. From 2019 to 2023, Chichlo was the vice chair of the supervisory board of Ukreximbank and chaired its operations and digital committee.

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