Building a Board for Start-Up Success
By LouAnn Conner
While having a board might appear to complicate or slow decision-making, when structured effectively, it can offer substantial value to both founders and the start-up.
Governance Surveys
Center for Inclusive Governance
Their common goals—quality financial reporting and creating value for the business and its stakeholders—may be clear, but as chief financial officers (CFOs) and audit committees grapple with expanding workloads, increased complexity, and ongoing digital disruptions, staying in sync has never been more challenging....
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Claudia H. Allen is a senior advisor with the KPMG Board Leadership Center
Patrick A. Lee is a senior advisor with the KPMG Board Leadership Center.
KPMG is a NACD strategic content partner, providing directors with critical and timely information, and perspectives. KPMG is a financial supporter of the NACD.
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