Building a Board for Start-Up Success
By LouAnn Conner
While having a board might appear to complicate or slow decision-making, when structured effectively, it can offer substantial value to both founders and the start-up.
Governance Surveys
Center for Inclusive Governance
C-Suite Connect
Amid increased scrutiny from the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and growing cyber threats, directors face the challenge of navigating quarterly agendas without established norms for cyber-risk oversight or clear management expectations...
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Jerry Perullo, NACD.DC, is the founder of Adversarial Risk Management, a cybersecurity expert, and a former CISO of the New York Stock Exchange and Intercontinental Exchange (ICE). He led ICE's cybersecurity program for 20 years, overseeing significant growth and M&A integration. Perullo teaches enterprise cybersecurity management at the Georgia Institute of Technology. He was a board director of the Financial Services Information Sharing and Analysis Center for six years, most recently as chair.
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